Sarah Copley, M.S., CCC-SLP

Sarah Copley

Speech-Language Pathologist

Certification and Licensure:

Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, North Carolina

ASHA Certification for Clinical Competency (SLP-CCC)

Specialized Training:

Teletherapy using various platforms such as Zoom, FaceTime, TheraPlatform and Google Duo

Natural Learning Environment Practices

Coaching Model

Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders: A Medical, Motor, and Behavioral Approach

Language and Literacy

Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention

Sign Language

Linguistically Diverse Children

Pediatric Language Disorders

AAC- Aug Communication


Language-Based Literacy Disorders

Feeding and Swallowing Disorders

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Fluency Disorders

Articulation/Phonological Processing Disorders

Children with Sensory-Integrative Dysfunction

Children with neurological impairment

Children with seizure disorders

Non-verbal children

Children with tube dependence

Language Delays

Medically Fragile Children

Down Syndrome

Developmental Delays


Sarah has been seeing Patrick for speech therapy for a very long time. He has made a lot of progress from the beginning when he began with her. We have had other therapists come when she went out on maternity leave but he always does the best when Sarah comes! He communicates much more and has learned so much from her. Sarah is amazing and she really cares about Patrick and our entire family. We love Sarah!


Sarah is a native of Winston-Salem, NC. She graduated from North Carolina State University with a B.A. in Communication Disorders and a minor in Spanish. Sarah received her M.S. degree in Speech- Language Pathology from the East Carolina University.  She has a particular interest in AAC and language with severely impaired and non verbal children.  Sarah has worked in many different settings including rehabilitation, acute care, daycares/ preschool, natural environment, private practice, and hospital. Her clinical experience includes work with children with Developmental Delays, Feeding/Oral Motor Disorders, Down Syndrome, Autism, Language-Based Literacy Disorders, Fluency Disorders, Medically Fragile Children, Failure to Thrive, Tracheostomies, and Articulation/Phonological Disorders. She has received specialized training in Feeding assessment/intervention, Autism Spectrum Disorders, The Floortime Method, Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention, basic sign language, and the Picture Exchange Communication System. Sarah also has extensive experience in evaluating and treating Spanish speaking children with speech and language delays/disorders in their native language. Sarah enjoys working with families to ensure that their children maximize their potential and reach their families goals regarding daily communication. Sarah is licensed by the board of North Carolina and holds a Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology from the American Speech Language Hearing Association.

En Español

Sarah se graduó en la Universidad de North Carolina State, con un B.A. en desórdenes de la comunicación y un grado secundario en español. Luego Sarah recibió su Masters en la Universidad de East Carolina, en Patología del Habla y Lenguaje. Cuando estaba aún estudiando ella trabajó con “Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders” y con un programa de Dislexia. Ella ha trabajado también en una variedad de entornos, los cuales incluyen, clínicas, guarderías, consultas privadas, cuidado de pacientes agudos y pacientes en casas. Sarah ha trabajado con distintos tipos de poblaciones incluyendo, Apraxia del Habla Infantil, Síndrome de Asperger, Trastornos del espectro autista, Parálisis Cerebral, Síndrome de Down, Trisomía 13 parcial, desórdenes genéticos, Tartamudeo, Disfagia (Adultos y pediátrica), retrasos del habla y lenguaje, desordenes fonológicos y articulatorios. También, tiene experiencia con dispositivos del Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa, junto con el PECS, sistema de comunicación de intercambio de imágenes. Ha trabajado con Alteraciones Auditivas y pacientes con implantes cocleares, al igual que pacientes con disfunciones orales y motoras. Sarah es certificada en Beckman Oral Motor y tiene mucha experiencia en esta área. Actualmente está en proceso de recibir la certificación de Infant Toddler y el certificado de  A/V para niños con alteraciones auditivas e implantes cocleares. Sarah tiene experiencia en tratar y evaluar niños hispanohablantes. También es un miembro activo de Wake County LICC, organización que aborda necesidades o problemas de niños con necesidades especiales en la comunidad. Ella tiene una licencia otorgada por el Consejo de Certificación de Carolina del Norte y tiene un certificado de Competencia Clínica en Patología del Habla y Lenguage por la Asociación Americana de Lenguaje y Audición (ASHA, por sus siglas en inglés).