Marti Austin, OTR/L

Certification and Licensure:

Licensed Occupational Therapist, North Carolina and New Jersey

National Board Certified Occupational Therapist (NBCOT)


Specialized Training:

Teletherapy using various platforms such as Zoom, FaceTime, TheraPlatform and Google Duo

Natural Learning Environment Practices

Hand Writing without Tears

Size Matters handwriting program

Will Barger Brushing Protocol

Vision Therapy

Sensory Menus

Therapeutic Listening

Integrated Listening




Sensory Processing Disorder

Fine Motor Delays

Visual Perceptual Delays

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Children with Sensory-Integrative Dysfunction

Medically Fragile Children

Down Syndrome

Developmental Delays

School Based

Marti is originally from Texas, but spent the majority of adult life in New Jersey and moved to North Carolina in summer of 2023. She attended Texas Woman’s University where she graduated with a B.S. in Occupational Therapy. Marti has worked in many different settings including rehabilitation, hospital, schools, outpatient pediatrics, and home settings. Marti has her certification for the Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT) with Western Psychological Services and has also completed the initial phase of Miller Method training. She has completed extensive training in many areas of practice, including sensory integration, handwriting, TAMO, therapeutic listening, oral motor therapy and vision screening and treatment. She has completed advanced training in the SOS (Sequential Oral Sensory) approach to feeding. Marti is a board-registered occupational therapist, licensed in the state New Jersey and North Caroline. Marti loves the challenge of making kids believe she is not a grown up which makes therapy sessions so much fun.  She loves crafting, baking and spending time with her family traveling in their RV.